Guest harbors in Haparanda
The marina has a service center in the Old Harbor Master cabin, with full kitchen, sauna, and laundry. In addition, there is a barbecue hut, barbecue area, sauna, and toilets. At the far end of the pier in the old port warehouse, the village association established a museum, with the village’s fishing history as the theme. Here you can also find some of our boat building history who also, made the village famous. The village has both wooden and plastic boats fabricated.
Haparanda Harbor is Sweden’s easternmost marina. In the area is a caravan park with electrical outlets. The bus goes to and from Nikkala 4 km and Haparanda 17km.
In the harbor, you can borrow life jackets for their guest.
Haparanda Harbor is adjacent to the service building service for emptying the latrine and gr
Harbor host:
Båtklubben Bothnias klubbhamn
Bertil Hannerfors
+46 922 213 22, +46 70 624 76 97
100 Sek/day, 500 Sek/week
Guest harbors in Tornio
Toranda Marina
In Hellälä Tornio is located a new guest harbor with 40 berths. Toranda Marina is going to increase the service in the area significant. The Guest Harbour is located nearby the entertainment centre Toranda. Dredging of Tornio river delta has made it possible for building up a new guest harbor here in the north.
Drinking water, shower, sauna, electricity, and beach restaurant and refueling (accept international bank and credit card). 40 guest berth. Overnight allowed. Depth 3 m
65°48,5ʹ 24°09,2ʹ
Nautical chart series G
Nautical chart 855
Harbor number 1995
Toranda Marina
Näätsaarentie 241, Tornio
Tel: +358 50 564 0220, +358 40 658 3817
Puotikari – the Guest Harbour of Mustaparta
The Puotikari Guest Harbour is a private boating harbor located in Tornio Röyttä. When coming to guest berth it should be informed in advance.
The harbor host can arrange taxi transportation to the services in Tornio town centre. In Puotikari Harbour there are 5 berths for guest boats, but if needed more places can be arranged.
The approaching of the harbor:
Come from the west side of Tornio harbor along the navigable water route, entrance along with a map of approach. When coming with a boat with over 2m draught please contact harbor host. The wind conditions can make big changes in water height in the area, with a strong north wind water can go down 1,50m and with a south wind, it can go up as equally much. With median water level, the navigable route draught is 2,4m. At the harbor, the depth is deeper than on approaching waterway. The new deeper entrance route is going to be completed in the next few years.
Beach, collection place, electricity, sauna, toilet. Maintenance service is a boat ramp.
65°48,5ʹ 24°09,2ʹ
Nautical chart series G
Nautical chart 855
Harbor number 1995
Harbor hosts:
Arto & Antti Ponkala
+358 400 690 304, +358 40 514 1531,
Letto Guest Harbor
Tornio Letto boating centre is a new home- and guest harbor. A fish harbor is also located in the same centre. Approach: From the south along a sea fairway and the rest of the way along a marked fairway to the harbor.
Harbour Services:
Waste disposal, toilet pumping facilities, boat ramp, fuel 10 km, toilet, drinking water, and beach. Boat ramp and mast elevator.
Buoy and shaft attachment.
65° 47ʹ 24° 10ʹ
Nautical chart series G
Nautical chart 958
Harbor number 1991
Harbor host:
Phone +358 40 8475 722