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Event Calendar

Welcome to check what is happening in HaparandaTornio! There are plenty of different kind of events on both sides of the border all-year-round. Most interesting for our visitors are usually the ones that are organized together as a twin-city such as the Happy New Twice in the New Year´s eve, Twin-City Festival and Jazz & Blues festival in the summer time.

Event Listing

Art Exhibition 'Nature, charm & character' by team Räiskö from Kivalo community college

27.8.2024 – 21.9.2024

Keskikatu 26, Tornio, Suomi

Gallery Taidekamari
Keskikatu 26, Tornio

Exhibition presents ten artists studying art and painting together at Kivalo community college, Kemi/Keminmaa. Their instructor is Taina Rönkkö in painting and Kaisu Hyrkäs in ceramics.

Näyttely on avoinna arkisin ti-pe klo 12-17 sekä tapahtumalauantaisin klo 11-15.

Vapaa pääsy.


Tornion Kuvataideseura ry

+358 44 55 22 980

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Time of Growth – Collection exhibition

13.6.2024 – 31.12.2024

Torikatu 2, Tornio, Suomi

Time of Growth challenges the viewer to examine growth and development between two living beings. How does the life of a plant or tree compare to human development? What does a young birch forest smell like? What has an old dead tree witnessed?

The exhibition’s works present different stages of growth through forests, nature, humans, and other living species, juxtaposing different times and species with each other.

The exhibition showcases Finnish art from the late 19th century to the present day.

Aineen taidemuseo on avoinna ti-to 11-18, pe-su 11-15

5 €

Happy hour, free entry, every Wednesday 11-15

Aineen taidemuseo

+358 (0)50 594 6868

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Sari Sandberg 'Sen när – sitten kun' exhibition

2.9.2024 – 27.9.2024

Packhusgatan 4, Haparanda, Ruotsi

Haparanda stadsbibliotek, Packhusgatan 4.

‘Then when I retire, I have time….’

Pekka had a one-man carpenter company with own wood workshop. He postponed vacations and weekends off, if there was a new order and never knew if there will be work after that.

All those dreams and trips that had to be come true in retirement were left unfulfilled. When Pekka retired, he was tired and then cancer was discovered. Life changed and the ability to move went away.

The photos show Pekka’s stalled life, sadness and fatigue, while in the outside world time moves forward with colors.

2.9 – 27.9.2024.

Vernissage: må 2/9 kl 16-18 (Svenska tid)

Avajaiset ma 2/9 klo 17-19 (Suomen aikaan)

Öppet: Må: 12–18, ti/fr: 10–14, on-to: 12–16 (Svenska tid)

Auki: Ma: 13-19, ti/pe: 11-15, ke-to: 13-17 (Suomen aikaan)


Sari Sandberg


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Border Pride 2024

2.9.2024 – 8.9.2024

Throughout the week:

  • Book exhibition at the Tornio and Haaparanta libraries
  • Book exhibition at the Kemi library from September 2nd to 6th.
  • Videos about LGBTQ history at the Torniolaakso Museum’s study space, courtesy of Friends of Queer History

Monday, September 2nd:

  • 12:00: Raising the Pride flag at Rajakartano.

Tuesday, September 3rd:

  • 11:00-17:30: Sign workshop at the Aine Art Museum
  • 17:00: Guided tour of the exhibition with a queer perspective at the Aine Art Museum
  • 18:00: Rainbow history lecture by Jenny Kangasvuo at the Torniolaakso Museum. Streamed on the Torniolaakso Museum’s YouTube channel. Stream viewing event at Kemin Kulttuurikeskus STAGE at 18:00

Wednesday and Thursday, September 4th-5th:

  • 11:00 to 17:30 Sign workshop at the Aine Art Museum from
  • 17:00: Guided tour of the exhibition with a queer perspective at the Aine Art Museum

Friday, September 6th:

  • 11:00-15:30: Sign workshop at the Aine Art Museum

Saturday, September 7th:

  • 9:00-11:00: Sign workshop and pre-party at the Aine Art Museum
  • 11:00: Gathering at Nordbergin Möljä.
  • 12:00: Border Pride parade starts
  • 12:30-15:00: Park party at Haaparanta Stads park (Strandgatan 20)
  • 20.00-01.00:Evening party at Svefi Lagrotta (Torget 3) (Swedish time)

Sunday, September 8th:

  • 11:00: Rainbow Mass at Haaparanta Church (Swedish time)
  • 11:00-15:00: Brunch at Tornedal & Co (Swedish time)

Border Pride, Haparanda stad, Tornion kaupunki

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International Grand Markets

22.8.2024 – 25.8.2024

Länsiranta 7, 95400 Tornio, Suomi

The event features entrepreneurs from over 30 different countries and various regions of Finland with their specialty products. The main idea of the grand market is to have products from different countries and regions sold and showcased by their own producers/growers. Expect visually and content-wise stunning and experiential booths. There will also be numerous international food stalls offering something for every taste. Besides food, there will be plenty of handicrafts and textiles available, not to mention a fantastic children’s carnival.

to-la klo 10-20 suomen aikaa
tor-lör kl. 10-20 finsk tid
thu-sat 10-20 finnish time

su klo 10-18 suomen aikaa
sön kl. 10-18 finsk tid
sun 10-18 finnish time

TMK Tori- ja markkinakaupan palvelukeskus Oy


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Ett enda brev från mor – A single letter from mother

27.6.2024 – 15.9.2024

Museum of Torne Valley

The exhibition describes Torne Valley’s identity based on Jennie Lind’s own life through photographs and film.

The exhibition Ett enda brev från mor – A single letter from mother – opens at the Museum of Torne Valley on Thursday, June 27, where photographer and filmmaker Jennie Lind presents part of her heritage from Torne Valley through a short film and family photos.

A single letter from Mother exhibition is Jennie Lind’s first own short film documentary. The film is a personal family story about her heritage from Torne Valley and it deals with longing, nostalgia, losses and memories that are related to our modern times. The exhibition is open at the museum from 27 June to 15 September 2024.

The exhibition also includes several family photos from the 30s, 40s and 50s from Torne Valley’s Torinen village. Jennie Lind was born in 1975 in Luleå, Sweden and works mainly in northern Sweden as a filmmaker and photographer. She wants to tell more about Torne Valley and the people who live there, our different cultures, lifestyles and destinies. Since 2005, Jennie Lind has been working as a freelance photographer and since 2018 also as a filmmaker in both commercial, editorial and documentary roles.

The museum of Torne Valley turns 110 years old this year and has operated as a joint museum of Tornio and Haaparanta for 10 years already. The year will be celebrated with the theme year “Vårt gemensamma museum – Meän museo”.

ti-to klo 11-18

pe-su klo 11-15

5 €

Tornionlaakson museo

050 597 1559

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Opening: Ett enda brev från mor – A single letter from mother

27.6.2024 – 27.6.2024

Museum of Torne Valley

Torikatu 4, Tornio

The Museum of Torne Valley would like to welcome everyone to the opening of the next changing exhibition on Thursday, June 27. at 14.00.

The exhibition is a visual art exhibition by photographer and filmmaker Jennie Lind, which consists of two parts. The first part is her own short film documentary, which is Jennie Lind’s personal family story about part of her Torne Valley heritage. The second part contains photos from the family album from the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s of Torinen village in Torne Valley.

Jennie Lind was born in 1975 in Luleå and she works mainly in northern Sweden as a filmmaker and photographer. Since 2005, he has worked as a freelance photographer and since 2018 also as a filmmaker, doing commercial, editorial and documentary tasks.

Coffee service and opening speeches at the opening.

klo 14.00


Tornionlaakson museo

050 597 1559

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27.6.2024 – 27.6.2024

Long summer evening is perfect for evening shopping! Come and listen to lovely summer music and enjoy a long evening in the shops until 9 pm!

Free of charge

Rajalla kauppakeskus


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Art Exhibition 'Holy everyday'

28.5.2024 – 29.6.2024

Gallery Taidekamari, Keskikatu 26, Tornio

Open Tue-Fri 12-17 and when there’s happenings in Tornio
also Sat 11-15

Art exhibition of our own members, showing 48 different views of holy everyday.

Galleria Taidekamari on avoinna

ti-pe klo 12-17 sekä
tapahtumaviikonloppuisin klo 11-15


Tornion Kuvataideseura ry

+ 358 44 552 2980

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Kukkola Mill Summer Art

20.6.2024 – 28.7.2024

Kukkolaforsen on the Swedish side.
Kukkolaforsen 184, Haparanda.

Local artists show and sell paintings, pottery, photo art, sculptures and more.

Öppet varje dag under hela perioden kl. 11-17
Avoinna päivittäin klo 11-17 paikallista aikaa.
Öpen daily at 11-17 local time.


Jala Konst & Hantverk i samarbete med Haparanda Stad

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Kesätyttö & Pojat Stand Up -kiertue Torniossa

27.6.2024 – 27.6.2024

Tornio, Toranda Areena


TORNIO | TORANDA AREENA | TORSTAI 27.6.2024 klo 19 (ovet klo 18)


Showtime klo 19.
Ovet auki klo 18.

19,90e – 25e

Kesätyttö & Pojat Stand Up -kiertue Torniossa

27.6.2024 – 27.6.2024

Tornio, Toranda Areena


TORNIO | TORANDA AREENA | TORSTAI 27.6.2024 klo 19 (ovet klo 18)



TORNIO | TORANDA AREENA | TORSTAI 27.6.2024 klo 19 (ovet klo 18)


19,90e – 25e

Remakka Stand Up Oy

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KiN's Konstrunda

25.5.2024 – 26.5.2024

Järnvägsgatan 21, Järnvägstationen, Haparanda.
Mårtinsvägen 16 i Båtskärnäs.

Welcome to art exhubition and “Konstrunda”!

At the railway station in Haparanda you find the artists Mikael Dysholm, Kenneth Mikko, Anna Lindqvist and Steven Pratt.

In Båtskärnäs, Kalix, you find Eeva-Leena Väätäjä and Kirsti Sädesuo.

Everyone is welcome. No fee.

More information at our website:

Facebook & Instagram: @kinbd

Lördag den 25 maj klockan 11-16

Söndag den 26 maj klockan 11-16

Konstnärer i Norrbotten

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3.6.2024 – 14.6.2024

Kerhoja tulee:

-Kaakamon koulu / eskarin pääty

-Kokkokankaan koulu / Nuorisotila Konkka

-Kivirannan koulu / Nuorisotila Messi

-Liakan kylätalo / vanha koulu

-Kyläjoen koulu / vanha koulu

-Pudas / Tornion Perheiden Talo, Putaankatu 2

Kesäkerhoissa on ohjattua toimintaa 6-10 -vuotiaille lapsille, kuudessa eri toimintapaikassa.

Kesäkerhojen toiminta-aika on 3.6.-14.6.2024. Kerhot ovat avoinna maanantaista perjantaihin klo 10-14.

Toiminta on pääasiassa ulkona, sadesäällä sisätiloissa. Kerhoissa askarrellaan, leikitään, pelataan ja tutustutaan luontoon.

Lapset ottavat kerhoihin omat eväät mukaan.

Kesäkerhojen toiminta-aika on 3.6.-14.6. Kerhot ovat avoinna maanantaista perjantaihin klo 10.00-14.00.

Hinta on 10 €/ 2vko, 4H-jäsenille 5 €/2 vko.

Tornion 4H-yhdistys

040 5927 667

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24.6.2024 – 26.6.2024

Kolmen päivän mittainen kesäleiri 1.-6. lk lapsille. Leirillä on mukavaa yhdessä tekemistä, erilaisia kädentaitoja, leivontaa, uintia, pelejä ja leikkejä.

Aloitus maanantaina klo 10 ja päätös keskiviikkona klo 15.

Kesäleiri 24.-26.6.2024.

Leirin aloitus maanantaina klo 10 ja päätös keskiviikkona klo 15.

Leirin hinta on 4H-jäsenille 45 € ja muille 75 € ja se sisältää materiaalit, ohjauksen, leiriruoat sekä vakuutuksen.

Tornion 4H-yhdistys

040 5927 667

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Pikkukokit päiväleiri

17.6.2024 – 20.6.2024

Putaan koulun kotitalousluokka

Ruokateemainen leiri 1.-6. lk lapsille, jossa keskitytään terveelliseen ruokaan ja liikuntaan.

Leiripäivät ovat klo 9-15.

Lapset valmistavat joka päivä lounaan ja välipalan.

17.-20.6.2024. Leiripäivät ovat klo 9-15.

Leirin hinta on 4H-jäsenille 55 € ja muille 75 € ja se sisältää materiaalit, ohjauksen, leiriruoat sekä vakuutuksen.

Tornion 4H-yhdistys

040 5927 667

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Art Exhibition 'On a journey of exploration – what did we find'

5.3.2024 – 1.3.2024

Gallery Taidekamari
Keskikatu 26

Group of adult education centre Kivalo’s visual art students named ‘Journey of exploration’ presents an art exhibition ‘On a journey of exploration – what did we find’ at Gallery Taidekamari in Tornio.

Artists: Hilkka Grönvall, Aini Jylhänkangas, Henna Kokko, Helena Kumpumäki, Veikko Kumpumäki, Raili Kupiainen, Marja-Terttu Saglam, Seija Stark-Juopperi and Sirkka Tuunainen.

Avoinna ti-pe 12-17 ja
tapahtumaviikonloppuisin 11-15


Tornion Kuvataideseura ry

+ 358 44 552 2980

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Toranda on Water 2024

29.6.2024 – 29.6.2024

Event centter Toranda

Näätsaarentie 241

95450 Tornio

National watercross competition in Tornio, Toranda. Event for the whole family.

29.6.2024 klo 10 alkaen

Palkintojenjako noin klo 18.00

Tickets from the gate:

10 €/person (free entry for under 15 years old)

Toranda Events

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Swedish Midsummer celebration

21.6.2024 – 22.6.2024

Our famous Midsummer buffet is served on 21st and 22nd June at 13, 15, 17 & 19.

We celebrate Midsummer big in the Swedish way. The traditional delicacies of summer and Kukkolaforsen are tasted in the rich midsummer buffet. Make your own flower wreath and wear a white dress, and you’ll blend in perfectly with the Swedish Midsummer tradition. At 16, the Midsummer pole is decorated and at 17 we dance and sing around the pole and celebrate the whole nightless night.

Admission to the event is free. Midsummer buffet 695 sek / adult, 347,50 sek / child 6-12 years.

Kukkolaforsen Turist & Konferens

+46 922 310 00

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Culture days in Kukkolaforsen

10.7.2024 – 13.7.2024

Kukkolaforsen 184, 95391 Haparanda

Kukkolaforsen has cultural days every year, when we present our authentic cultural village. We present the building of fishing bridge, a water-powered sawmill, flour grinding, the fishing museum and the production of wood chips. The old home is open for viewing.


The restaurant offers whitefish menu all day. 295 sek / person, 147.50 sek / child 6-12. Please reserve a table

You can see how the fisherman are building the fishing dam and ask them questions.

SAUNA DAY – Thursday 11.7

You can see all day how the fisherman are building the fishing dam.

14.00 Guiding in sauna are in the local language meänkieli

14.30 Guiding in sauna are in Swedish

“Bring your towel” SAUNA EVENING at 15-18

MILL DAY Friday 12.7.

You can see how the fisherman are building the fishing dam.


The official day of Torniovalley flag

You can see how the fisherman are building the fishing dam.

Free entry.

Free entry.  Please reserve a table for lunch and dinner.

Kukkolaforsen Turist & Konferens

+46 922 310 00

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Whitefish festivities in Kukkolaforsen

26.7.2024 – 28.7.2024

Kukkolaforsen 184, 95391 Haparanda

A tribute to the arrival of Whitefish

After St. James’ Day (the last Sunday of July),is the time of the year when then whitefish is traveling upstream. For centuries the locals have celebrated the arrival of the whitefish with a harvest festival, to honor the whitefish on both the Swedish and Finnish side of Kukkolaforsen. People from far and near gathered to celebrate the wandering whitefish’s arrival and to enjoy the grilled and smoked whitefish. The party involves dancing, music and rafting.

The restaurant serves an excellent whitefish buffet including delicacies from Torniovalley.

27.7. Buffet at 13, 15, 17 & 19

Dance and live music in the restaurant from 21 to 24

28.7. Buffet at 13, 15, 17 & 19

Admission to the event is free. Buffet 695 sek / time, 347.50 sek / child 6-12 years. Make a table reservation for the buffet.

Kukkolaforsen Turist & Konferens

+46 922 310 00

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Gränslös folk- och världsmusik över alla gränser

24.5.2024 – 26.5.2024

Kukkolaforsen, Haparanda

Borderless folk music event with courses, workshops and concerts in Kukkolaforsen Haparanda!

BD-Kultur Haaparanta

+46 70 318 5869

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Seskarö Trailrun 2024

1.6.2024 – 1.6.2024

Seskarö Havsbad & Camping

On June 1, it’s time for Seskarö Trailrun 2024. Northern Sweden’s most fun race that offers courses to everyone, regardless of experience or age. Competition and experience for the whole family with the joy of running in focus, right in the heart of the Haparanda Archipelago.

Come and run Seskarö’s fantastic trails and experience the wonderful nature of the Haparanda Archipelago. The trails takes you to the most beautiful corners of the island. Sign up today and kick off the summer with a wonderful day of competition at Seskarö!

Seskarö Trails

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Classic Motor Meet 2024

11.7.2024 – 13.7.2024

Strandplanen, Strandgatan, Haparanda

Wheels Nationals Classic motormeet in Haparanda!

More information and program at: Classic Motor Meet — Haparanda

11/7 kl. 13.00 – 19.00

12/7 kl. 11.00 – 22.30

13/7 kl. 10.00 – 19.30


Thursday 50,-

Friday 100,-

Saturday 100,-

Classic Motor Meet Haparanda

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Peräpohjolan markkinat

30.8.2024 – 31.8.2024

Åström manor and courtyard

Peräpohjola market offers a delightful time jump to Tornio in the early 20th century. The traditional sales event is known for its high-quality offer of handicrafts, baked goods and design products. There are market vendors both outside in the courtyard and inside the Åström manor.

The old-time atmosphere of the market and the program offering that appeals to the whole family guarantees a large number of visitors year after year. Historical characters, theater and music performances enliven the market. Join the market, where you can buy high-quality handicrafts and baked goods, feel the historical atmosphere and enjoy a program that captures spirit of the times.

30.8. klo 15-19

31.8. klo 11-16


Tornion kaupunki

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Kalottjazz & Blues festival 2024

27.6.2024 – 29.6.2024

Jazz office: Keskikatu 22, 95400 Tornio

At the international Kalottjazz & Blues festival, you can enjoy the sweet harmony of music for three days in atmospheric concert venues in the heart of the border town of TornioHaparanda. The festival will offer a total of almost 20 concerts in the summer of 2024.

Both paid and free concerts


Tornion kaupunki, Haparanda stad

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Danceschool STAGE presents "On STAGE" Show

12.4.2024 – 14.4.2024

Pe 12.4 IltaShow 1 klo 20
La 13.4 LastenShow 1 klo 15.30
La 13.4 IltaShow 2 klo 18.30
Su 14.4 LastenShow 2 klo 11.30
Su 14.4 LastenShow 3 klo 14.30
Su 14.4 SpecialShow klo 17.30

Tanssikoulu STAGE

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Art Exhibition 'Happy Empire' by Anitta Rintakorpi

5.3.2024 – 1.3.2024

Art Gallery Taidekamari
Keskikatu 26

Open Tue-Fri 12-17 and when something happens in Tornio also Sat 11-15

Anitta Rintakorpi has painted and drawn nature with sophisticated touch. We have house full of beauty – welcome to see!

Galleria Taidekamari on avoinna ti-pe 12-17 sekä tapahtumalauantaisin 11-15.


Tornion Kuvataideseura ry

+ 358 44 552 2980

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14.3.2024 – 17.3.2024

Spend a fun weekend at the shopping center with the whole family! On Saturday we will get to see Maltti and Valtti (from TV) and on Sunday the happiest Aarne Alligaattori. More information and programme can be found at

Free of charge

Rajalla kauppakeskus

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26.2.2024 – 10.3.2024

Vinteglöd -Talvihehku- Winterglow  is a joint event arranged by the cities of Haparanda and Tornio, during which various cultural and sports events are organised for several different target groups on both sides of the border, both outdoors and indoors. The winter glow also gives activityideas for vinter holidays in border towns.

More information and program: Talvihehku – Tornio,

Vinterglöd 2024 | Haparanda stad

Haparanda stad, Tornion kaupunki,

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Inspiration day 2024

22.2.2024 – 22.2.2024

Länsiranta 10, Torneå, Finland

Länsiranta 10, Rajalla På Gränsen shopping centre


Haparanda stad, Tornion kaupunki, Rajalla kauppakeskus, EURES, Arbetsförmedlingen, Lapin Te-toimisto


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Art Exhibition

2.1.2024 – 21.12.2023

Galleria Taidekamari, Keskikatu 26, Tornio

We are proud to present this month art of our own members. Welcome!

Tiistai-Perjantai 12-17

Tapahtumalauantaisin 11-15


Tornion Kuvataideseura ry

+ 358 44 552 2980

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Christmas Concert on Finnish Independent day

06.12.2023 5:00 pm –
06.12.2023 6:00 pm (SE)

Haparanda Kyrka, Haparanda, Sverige

Haparanda church

Kauko Simonen, Harriet Urponen, Petri Mäntynenä

The concert starts at  5 pm Swedish time,

free of charge

Haaparannan vähemmistökielivaltuuskunta


The First Moment – exhibition of Veli Karppinen

28.11.2023 – 21.12.2023

Keskikatu 28, 953 36 Tornio, Suomi

Tornion Kuvataideseura, Galleria Taidekamari

Keskikatu 26



Tuesday-Friday 12-17

Saturday 11-15

Art by Veli Karppinen

Ti-pe klo 12-17

La klo 11-15


Tornion Kuvataideseura ry

+ 358 44 552 2980

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Christmas Calendar: Meän Joulukalenteri Julkalender

1.12.2023 – 24.12.2023

Christmas Calender in Tornio and Haparanda.

More information :,


Tornion kaupunki & Haparanda stad,

Svefi traditional Christmas market

2.12.2023 – 3.12.2023

Svefi, Sverigefinska folkhögskolan

Torget 3

95332 Haparanda

Saturday-Sunday 2-3/12 at 10.00-15.00 hrs.

Soon it will be time for Svefi’s traditional Christmas market!

We are located in Svefi’s main building and the Minerva House. Here you can buy Christmas gifts from our vendors, listen to Christmas music, we sell Christmas porridge and other goodies, there are crafts for the children and you can be photographed with Santa Claus and buy ready-made cards with the photo, etc.

If you want to sell at the Christmas market yourself, you are welcome to contact Svefi’s reception: +46 (0)922-688 00 or

Free entry to the Christmas market

Vendors: Table rental: 300 SEK for a table indoors both days, (we assist with tables). Free in the courtyard (outdoors, bring your own table).


+46 (0)922- 68800

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Knitting camp in Haparanda

24.11.2023 – 26.11.2023

Svefi, Sverigefinska folkhögkolan

Torget 3

95332 Haparanda

Welcome to the knitting camp to get inspired and relax into a hobby loved by many – knitting. Take time for yourself, come and knit and just enjoy the whole weekend at Svefi!

Last day to register is 15/11.

The knitting camp is conducted in Finnish but can be translated into Swedish if needed.

More information:

Only knitting camp incl. meals: 120 €.

Knitting camp incl. meals and overnight stay at Svefi hostel:
Double room / 190 € / pp
Single room / 220 € / pp

Prices include all meals and coffee and, if necessary, pick-up and transfer to the travel stops (Tornio/Kemi/Haparanda train station).


+46 (0)922- 68800

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Hardcorepunk -gig

13.10.2023 – 13.10.2023

Puutarhakatu 16, Tornio, Suomi

Puutarhakatu 16, Tornio

Two bands playing traditional hardcorepunk at porthan school gymhall at friday 13.10 at 19.00.

Klo 19.00 -22.00

5 euro

Kumina ry


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Sinivalkoiset tangot -konsertti

14.10.2023 – 14.10.2023

Pop & Jazz Konservatorio Lappia (Musiikkitalo), Etappitie, Tornio, Suomi

Lappia – musiikkitalo
Etappitie 6, 95400 Tornio

Konsertissa kuullaan suomalaisia tangoja aina 50-60 -luvuilta tähän
päivään. Tango elää jälleen kulta-aikaansa! Tanssipaikat ja
konserttisalit täyttyvät intohimoisista tangon ystävistä.

Kalle Jussila on ehdottomasti yksi Suomen uskottavimmista ja
koskettavimmista tangon tulkitsijoista. Valovoimainen Susanna Heikki on
suomalainen iskelmälaulaja ja vuoden 2015 tangokuningatar sekä tuttu
radioääni Nostalgiaradion taajuudelta. Nämä suursuosikkilaulajat
ovatkin tarjoamassa uusia elämyksiä kuulijoilleen.

Säestyksestä vastaa Quattro-orkesteri ja konsertin kesto noin 2 tuntia
sisältäen väliajan.

klo 18.00

Peruslippu 25,50€
Pyörätuoli 26,50€



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HorizonT – Building bridges thru ART

4.8.2023 – 23.9.2023

Victoriantori, Länsiranta, Torneå, Finland

Horizont is a community art project in TornioHaparanda and builds bridges through art.

The aim of the project is to create a dialogue between the young people of Haparanda and Tornio and the local inhabitants. Young people on both sides of the border can meet, plan and create art together. The dialogue is created from artworks in two parts, one part is created in Tornio and the other part in Haparanda. The project involves two buildings, Röyttantie 4, an apartment building in Tornio, Finland and Tornedalsskolan in Haparanda, Sweden.

Artists and groups will create art in June and July 2023, and after the artworks are completed, a two-part exhibition is held in both buildings in August and September 2023.

Röyttäntie 4
954 20 Tornio, Finland
Torstai & Perjantai  / Torsdag & Fredag / Thursday & Friday
kl 17-19 (Suom aikaa / Finsk tid / Finnish time)
Lauantai / Lördag / Saturday
kl. 12-17 (Suom aikaa / Finsk tid / Finnish time)
Östra kyrkogatan 40
953 37 Haparanda, Sweden
Torsdag & Fredag / Torstai & Perjantai / Thursday & Friday
kl. 16-18 (Sve tid / Ruotsin aikaa / Swedish time)
Lördag / Lauantai / Saturday
kl. 11-16 (Sve tid / Ruotsin aikaa / Swedish time)
Entrance fee: 10 euro / 100 kr
Student/pensioner: 5 euro / 50 kr
Children under 7 years: Free entry
One ticket for both buildings

Visit website

International Grand Markets in TornioHaparanda

24.8.2023 – 27.8.2023

Hallituskatu 4, 95400 Tornio, Suomi

International grand markets in TornioHaparanda 24-27/8.

More information: International Grand Markets in Finland – Kansainväliset Suurmarkkinat (

To – la / To – Lö / Thu – Sat 10 – 20

Su / Sö / Sun 10 – 18

TMK Tori-ja markkinakaupan palvelukeskus Oy

Visit website

Border Pride

21.8.2023 – 27.8.2023

Victoriatorget, Länsiranta, Torneå, Finland

Love over country borders!

Program and information: Love over country boarders – BorderPride

Meri-Lapin SETA ry

Visit website

Melancholy Diorama and the Wonders of Collage – Niina Lehtonen Braun, Mikko Kallio and Ilona Valkonen

18.8.2023 – 13.11.2023

Torikatu 2, Tornio, Suomi

The Aine Art Museum is open:

Mon closed
Tue – Thu 11 – 18
Fri – Sun 11 – 15

Artists Niina Lehtonen Braun, Mikko Kallio and Ilona Valkonen explore collage in different ways in the exhibition at the Aine Art Museum. In the three artists’ joint exhibition, collage is understood both as a method in art and as a way of being and thinking in this world. The exhibition is based on the long-term collaboration and friendship between Lehtonen Braun, Kallio and Valkonen. Collage is described by the artists as a process of disconnecting, connecting and rebuilding.The exhibition consists of installations, animations, works on paper, paintings and object compositions. The exhibition at the Aine Art Museum will expand on the group’s previous exhibition Melancholy Diorama and the Wonders of Collage – Studio phase, which was on show in Berlin’s HilbertRaum art space in spring 2023.

Ti-To / Tis – Tor / Tue – Thu 11-18

Pe-Su / Fre – Sön / Fri – Sun 11-15

Paikallista aikaa / Lokal tid / Local time

Free entrance

Aineen taidemuseo

Visit website

Deciphering Roof Trusses – Exploring Medieval Wooden Structures

16.6.2023 – 22.10.2023

Torikatu 4, Tornio, Suomi

The Museum of Torne Valley

Deciphering Roof Trusses tells about medieval wooden structures as well as the aims of the research about them, including the everyday life of fieldwork and the scope of the work related to both building and society today. The exhibition is based on the research and restoration work on medieval wooden structures carried out by Livady Architects since 2007, as well as Aalto University’s project Medieval Wooden Building Heritage in Finland: Roof Structures of Stone Churches, the Construction Process and Construction Innovations launched in 2020. The exhibition also presents the project’s preliminary results.

The exhibition is produced by Museum of Finnish Architecture.

ti-to 11-18

pe-su 11-15

maanantaisin suljettu

Adults 5 €
Children under 18 years for free

Tornionlaakson museo

050 597 1559

Visit website

Kukkola Mill Summer Art

22.6.2023 – 4.8.2023

Kukkolaforsen 184, 953 91 Haparanda, Sverige

Kukkolaforsen on the Swedish side of the river

Exhibitions in the old mills of Kukkolaforsen. Open every day 11-17, 22/6-4/8.

Free of charge

Jala Konst & Hantverk i samarbete med Kukkolaforsen och Haparanda Kommun

Visit website

Teatteri Potunnostopäivä

27.6.2023 – 27.8.2023

Lappi, Suomi

Summertheater in finnish


Tuesday 27.6. klo 7 pm KAAKAMO
Kaakamon Napakymppi; Laivaniementie 815 • 94430 Tornio

Wednesday 28.6. 7 pm KEMI
Sataman Krouwi; Rantabulevardi 10 • 94100 Kemi

Thursday 29.6. 7 pm ROVANIEMI
Saarenkylän Nuorisoseura; Napapiirintie 10 • 96900 Rovaniemi

Friday 30.6. 7 pm OULU
Maikkulan Kartano; Maikkulanrinne 21 • 90240 Oulu

Saturday 1.7. 2 pm TORNIO
Park Hotel Tornio; Itäranta 4 • 95400 Tornio

Saturday 1.7.  7 pm TORNIO
Park Hotel Tornio; Itäranta 4 • 95400 Tornio

Sunday 2.7.  2 pm AAVASAKSA
Kruununnäyttämö; Aavasaksanvaarantie 281 • 95620 Ylitornio

Friday 25.8.  7 pm SIMO
Simon Pirtti; Simonpirtintie 2 • 95200 Simo

Sunday 27.8. 2 pm SUUKOSKI
Suukosken Keidas; Itäpuolentie 4064 • 95355 Tervola

20 €



Visit website

Ilkka Juhani Takalo-Eskola

2.6.2023 – 6.8.2023

Torikatu 2, Tornio, Suomi

Aineen taidemuseo

Torikatu 2

95400 Tornio

Ilkka Juhani Takalo-Eskolan yksityisnäyttely Aineen taidemuseossa esittelee monipuolisen ja tuotteliaan taiteilijan elämäntyötä seitsemän vuosikymmenen ajalta. Pohjois-Suomessa, Keminmaassa syntyneen ja lapsuutensa viettäneen Ilkka Juhani Takalo-Eskolan (s. 1937) filosofinen maailma heräsi jo varhain Kemijoen läpinäkyvää vettä ja kosken kuohuja katsellessa.

Tiistai klo 11 – 18

Keskiviikko klo 11 – 18

Torstai klo 11 – 18

Perjantai klo 11 – 15

Lauantai klo 11 – 15

Sunnuntai klo 11 – 15

Maanantaisin suljettu


Aineen taidemuseo


Visit website

Culture days in Kukkolaforsen

12.7.2023 – 15.7.2023

Kukkolaforsen Turist & Konferens, Haparanda, Ruotsi

Welcome to yearly Cultural days to learn more about our fascinating history in the Tornio river valley with our own language even. The restaurant and kios are open with delicious servings.

Kukkolaforsen has cultural days every year, when we present our authentic cultural village and the sauna world. We present the building of traditional fishing dam, a water-powered sawmill, flour grinding, the fishing museum and the production of wood chips. There is also an old home is open for viewing.

On Thursday there are open doors in the sauna area and you can test 5 different saunas and hear stories of them. The Swedish Sauna Academy was founded in Kukkolaforsen.

Kukkolaforsen Turist & Konferens

+46 922 310 00

Visit website

National Rivers Day in Kukkolaforsen

29.7.2023 – 30.7.2023

Kukkolaforsen Turist & Konferens, Haparanda, Ruotsi

On National Rivers Day, we celebrate a free flowing river! Tornionjoki is Europe’s longest free-flowing, unharnessed river and an important spawning river for salmon and lampreys. The restaurant offers a 6-course menu with carefully selected wines at 18:30. SEK 995 menu + SEK 595 wine menu. A table reservation is essential.

After dark at 21:00, the torch-lit boats descend the rapids.

Admission to the event is free.

The restaurant offers a 6-course menu with carefully selected wines at 18:30. SEK 995 menu + SEK 595 wine menu. A table reservation is essential.

Kukkolaforsen Turist & Konferens

+46 922 310 00

Visit website

Whitefish festivities in Kukkolaforsen

29.7.2023 – 30.7.2023

Kukkolaforsen Turist & Konferens, Haparanda, Ruotsi

After St. James’ Day (the last Sunday of July),is the time of the year when then whitefish is traveling upstream. For centuries the locals have celebrated the arrival of the whitefish with a harvest festival, to honor the whitefish on both the Swedish and Finnish side of Kukkolaforsen. People from far and near gathered to celebrate the wandering whitefish’s arrival and to enjoy the grilled and smoked whitefish. The party involves dancing, music and rafting.

For centuries the locals have celebrated the arrival of the whitefish with a harvest festival, to honor the whitefish on both the Swedish and Finnish side of Kukkolaforsen.

Event is free of charge.

The restaurant serves an excellent whitefish buffet including delicacies from Torniovalley.

Buffet 695 sek / adult, 347.50 sek / child 6-12 years

29.7. Buffet at 13, 15, 17 and 19

You dance in the restaurant from 21:00 to 12:00

30.7. Buffet at 13, 15 and 17

Make a table reservation for the buffet.

Kukkolaforsen Turist & Konferens

+46 922 310 00

Visit website

Sommar i parken – Summer in the park

3.7.2023 – 28.7.2023

Strandgatan 22, Haparanda, Sverige

The most child-friendly month of the summer is July when Summer in the Park starts in Haparanda with craft tents, face painting, pirate show, children’s sing-along and much more!
And for the adult audience, the traditional Thursday sing-along with Visfest on the last Thursday of July.

3 – 28 July weekdays between 10-14.30 Swedish time.
Follow us on


3/7 – 28/7 2023

Vardagar kl/ Arkisin klo / Weekdays at 10 – 14.30

Haparanda stad

Visit website


29.6.2023 – 29.6.2023

Länsiranta 10, 95400 Tornio, Suomi

Welcome to KesäRaja evening shopping event at the Rajalla På Gränsen shopping center! The shopping center will be filled with music in different places and at the same time you can enjoy shopping and the sale in several stores. All the stores will be open till 21:00 so you have plenty of time to shop!

The program of the event will be updated to the shopping center website

and to Rajalla På Gränsen Facebook and Instagram.

Klo 17-21

Free of charge

Rajalla kauppakeskus

Visit website


25.8.2023 – 26.8.2023

Pakkahuoneenkatu 1, 95400 Tornio, Suomi

Tiger Production

Visit website

Seskarö Trailrun 2023

10.6.2023 – 10.6.2023

Seskarö Havsbad & Camping, Tromsöviken, Seskarö, Sverige

Start and finish line at Seskarö Havsbad & Camping

Now we kick off the summer with a running competition for the whole family. Here, the joy of running is in focus. Welcome to Seskarö Trailrun.

We aim for the Seskarö Trailrun to be the most enjoyable race of the year, offering courses for everyone, regardless of experience or age. We want to create an opportunity that attracts as many people out into nature and to exercise as possible.

Registration: No later than June 8, 2023
Late registration: On site subject to available start numbers


Friday 9/6 – Registration – 17:00 – 20:00
Saturday 10/6 – Competition day – 08:00 – Registration opens and start numbers are collected no later than 30 minutes before the start.

Start fee: Children from SEK 49 | Adults from SEK 299

Seskarö Trails förening

Visit website

Kalottjazz & Blues festival

29.6.2023 – 1.7.2023

Tornio, Suomi

At the international Kalottjazz & Blues festival, you can enjoy the sweet harmony of music for three days in atmospheric concert venues in the heart of the border town of TornioHaparanda. The festival celebrating its 40th anniversary will offer a total of almost 20 concerts in the summer of 2023.

Tornion kaupunki, Haparanda stad

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Torne valley museum – Kohtaamisia rajalla, Meetings on the Border

16.3.2023 – 31.12.2030

Opening hours 

Tuesday to Thursday 11-18
Friday to Sunday 11-15
Closed on Mondays


Before midweek holidays we close at 15. On public holidays the museum is closed.

The Museum of Torne Valley showcases Torne Valley culture and history on both sides of the Finnish-Swedish border. We specialize in the local way of life and border region phenomena. Our permanent exhibition highlights the traditional means of living, the history of Tornio and Haparanda, border trade, smuggling and marriages across the border.

Visitors can also listen to local languages and dialects. The past comes alive through original artifacts and abundant picture and film material on display.

Entrance fees 

Adults 5 €
Children under 18 years for free

We accept credit cards, Museokortti, Kaikukortti, Smartum and E-passi

Tornionlaakson museo – Torne valley museum – Tornedalens museum

+358 (0)50 597 1559

Visit website

Knitting retreat Leimu in Haparanda

24.3.2023 – 26.3.2023

Torget 3, Haparanda, Sverige


Torget 3

95332 Haparanda

Welcome to a cross-border knitting retreat with crafts and joint activities! Featuring during the weekend Villapesusiskot, Piessa sheep farm, Annika Konttaniemi and knitting designer Maarit Lehto. In addition to shared knitting sessions, there will also be lectures, yarn sales, good food and relaxation.

Prices, registration and more info at:


+46 (0)922- 68810

Visit website

Happy New Twice

31.12.2023 – 31.12.2023

Victoriatorget, Länsiranta, Torneå, Finland

Two countries, Two Timezones, One New Years Party on the border of Sweden and Finland in HaparandaTornio!

The New Year is celebrated in a traditional way in HaparandaTornio, when fireworks spark the New Year for both Finland and Sweden. The event will take place on the border of two states, in two time zones, together to celebrate the New Year. Victoria Square will once again be transformed into a big New Year’s outdoor disco with music on New Year’s Eve starting at 23.45 Finnish time and 22.45 Swedish time.  

In order for the evening to go safely, it is good to know the following:  

Our event is on the border area. According to the decision of the Swedish police authority, only small bags, maximum size 40x 40 x 20 cm , i.e. no backpacks or shopping bags, are allowed in the area. An exception to this rule are people who need to take necessary medicines or medical supplies with them. There is no bag storage in the area. There is a bag check at the entrance gates, so we kindly ask you to arrive early so that you can enjoy the event in time.  This year, there will be two entry routes to the area (see map here) and the aim is to carry out the checks as smoothly as possible. So, it is a wish from the staff that the guests will not to carry any bags 

It is also forbidden to bring any fireworks to the event because firing is not allowed in the city centrum. Fireworks found during the bag check will be confiscated. 

Program SWEDISH time / FINNISH time
22.45 | 23.45 DJ Konna – Roope Halonen
23.00 | 00.00 Finnish New Year – Fireworks
23.05 | 00.05 DJ Konna – Roope Halonen
00.00 | 01.00 Swedish New Year – Fireworks


Free entry.

Haparanda stad, Tornion kaupunki

Classic Motor Meet 2023

13.7.2023 – 15.7.2023

Strandgatan 7, 953 32 Haparanda, Sverige

Welcome to one of the most beautiful car meet locations in Sweden!

More information about this years event at

Classic Motor Meet

+46 (0)70 660 07 43

Visit website

Christmas and Toy Museum Lekkermanni

26.12.2022 – 6.1.2023

Porthaninkatu 1, 95400 Tornio, Suomi

Have a look at how Christmas was celebrated before. Feel the atmosphere of the good old times traditional Christmas. Lekkerman Christmas museum is located in Tornio.

Open 26.12.2022-6.1.2023 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Outside opening hours 10-11 am and 5-7 pm for groups with advance reservation (min. 4 people).

Entrance fee: Adults €7
Pensioners, unemployed and students €4
Children €3 (under 4 years free)

Christmas and Toy Museum Lekkermanni

+358 40 701 5254

ÄMMÄT @pikkuberliini

17.12.2022 – 17.12.2022

Hallituskatu 11, 95400 Tornio, Suomi

Kari Toiviainen: Etuovelta sydämeen – Från ytterdörren till hjärtat – From the front door to the heart

24.11.2022 – 10.12.2022

Packhusgatan 4, Haparanda, Ruotsi

Haparanda library

Packhusgatan 4, Haparanda

Kari Toiviainen: Etuovelta sydämeen – Från ytterdörren till hjärtat – From the front door to the heart

24.11.–10.12.2022 at Haparanda library


Ma/Mån/Mon – Ke/Ons/Wed 13 – 20

To/Tor/Thu – Pe/Fre/Fri 11 – 17

La/Lör/Sat 11 – 15

Vapaa pääsy

Aineen taidemuseo

+358 50 594 6868

Visit website

Weaving Kiosk

5.12.2022 – 11.12.2022

Rajalla På Gränsen Länsiranta 10, 95400 Tornio

Between December 5-11 textile designer and artistic researcher Rosa Tolnov Clausen is visiting Haparanda-Tornio, as part of Luleå Art and Craft Biennale and in collaboration with Aine Art Museum, Haparanda municipality and Resurscentrum för konst.

Rosa Tolnov Clausen’s practice focus on how to make hand-weaving visible and accessible in contemporary urban contexts. In the shopping center Rajalla she will set up a project called the Weaving Kiosk.

The Weaving Kiosk is a public space where weaving tools and materials are made available for anyone to use. Together with the tools and materials, collections of weaving samples and readily designed product proposals are presented that have their base in traditional Nordic weaving techniques. Using these for inspiration or as production guidelines, participants in the Weaving Kiosk can choose to remake an example from among them, or explore by their own choice of yarns and techniques their adaptation into products of their liking. This way, products that relate to individual purposes and needs can be freely created.

In addition to the drop-in mode of the Kiosk we would like to invite groups of students from local design and art educations to visit the Kiosk. Therefore, if you would like to visit between December 5-9, between 1-7pm please let us know.

For more information and booking a visit contact:
Amanda Hakoköngäs +358 (0)40 614 7244 ,

Avoinna ma-pe klo 13-19 / Öppet kl 13-19 lokal tid / Open Mon-Fri at 1 pm – 7 pm local time

Free entrance

Aineen taidemuseo

Visit website

Aino Laiho & Olga Green: Ulterior Motives exhibition

3.11.2022 – 20.11.2022

Järnvägsgatan, Haparanda, Ruotsi

Haparanda Railway station

The exhibition Taka-ajatuksia – Baktankar – Ulterior motives exhibition is the result of Aino Laiho’s and Olga Green’s first joint residency and numerous conversations. During the fall, the artist duo has been working at the Haparanda Railway Station in the same space where the exhibition is now built. On display there will be drawings, paintings and installations, and some of the works also use the UV light effect.
Laiho and Green are Deaf Sign Language users, millennials and friends who live in the capital region. In the new environment of the artist residency in Haparanda, they have explored themes related to the border, especially between different languages ​​and between the Deaf and the hearing. The working methods of the artists are different in style, but they are united by the same sense of humour and enthusiasm to observe the surrounding reality.
Aukioloajat (Suomen aikaa):
Keskiviikko 13–19, torstai 13–19, perjantai 13–19, lauantai 13–17, sunnuntai 13–17.
Aukioloajat (Ruotsin aikaa):
Keskiviikko 12–18, torstai 12–18, perjantai 12–18, lauantai 12–16, sunnuntai 12–16.
Osoite: Järnvägsgatan 21, 953 37 Haparanda.

Aineen taidemuseo

Visit website

Pre-christmas party at Farm Escape Tornio

1.11.2022 – 8.1.2023

Farm Escape Tornio, Mustajärventie 456, 95530 Tornio, Suomi

Christmas themed escape game with real animals at a small farm. Suitable for groups of 4-30 persons. Open fire dinners and other activities also. You can paint a painting, make feather earrings or have farm olympic games or participate in a wellbeing workshop given by a trained personal trainer.

Contact us and ask more information!


Olemme avoinna tilauksesta vuoden ympäri.

Farm Escape Tornio

+358 50 413 6469

Visit website

The Northern parts of the world heritage Struve Geodetic Arc

15.9.2022 – 8.1.2023

Your World Heritage

Your World Heritage tells you about the northern parts of the Struve Geodetic Arc in Finland, Sweden and Norway, and about its role as the world’s measuring tape. The Tornio-Haparanda – Hammerfest area has 11 of the 34 points selected for the World Heritage List. The exhibition makes a time travel from the 19th century to the present day. The visiting experience is supported by virtual materials made of the Struve Geodetic Arc. Welcome to learn what the Struve Geodetic Arc means in your area!

The exhibition is being implemented in collaboration with a number of partners and the Interreg North (ERDF) cofunded the Northern parts of the World Heritage Struve Geodetic Arc project.

Tornionlaakson museo / Tornedalens museum / The Museum of Torne Valley

Avoinna / Öppettider / Opening hours:

Ti-To / Tis-Tors / Tue – Thu:  klo 11-18

Pe-Su / Fre – Sön / Fri – Sun  klo 11-15

Ma / Mån / Mon Suljettu / Stängt / Closed

Tornionlaakson museo

+358 50 597 1559

Visit website

The Christmas Party for Small Groups

17.10.2022 – 22.12.2022

Kourilehdontie 438, Tornio, Suomi

Alanko Old Cowhouse Oy, Kourilehto Village in the Tornio Countryside.

“Little Christmas Party” for small groups (4-12 person). Outdoor activities, open fireplace, sauna, hot tub, local food, nice drinks, music and karaoke.

Starting price 25 €/person.

Alanko Old Cowhouse Oy


Visit website

Classic Motor Meet 2022

14.7.2022 – 16.7.2022

Strandgatan 7, 953 32 Haparanda, Ruotsi

Welcome to one of the most beautiful car meet locations in Sweden!

In the program:

  • live music
  • 10 most outstanding cars
  • Peoples choice
  • Burn out box
  • Snowmobile on Torne river
  • Fashion show
  • Burlesque show
  • Food and beverages

Thursday: SEK 50

Friday: SEK 100

Saturday: SEK 100

Weekend: SEK 250

+46 (0)70 660 07 43

Visit website

Kukkola Mill Summer Art

25.6.2022 – 5.8.2022

Kukkolaforsen 214, 953 91 Haparanda, Sverige

Welcome to Kukkola Mill Summer Art at Kukkolaforsen, Haparanda!

Jala Konst & Hantverk.

Visit website

Art exhibition

28.5.2022 – 29.5.2022

Järnvägsstationen, Järnvägsgatan, Haparanda, Sverige

In different places around Norrbotten.

In Haparanda: Järnvägsgatan 21

For the entire program please visit the homepage:

Over seventy artists around Norrbotten open their homes, studios and other exhibition spaces for you to visit.

In Haparanda Mikael Dysholm and Kenneth Mikko show their art at Järnvägsgatan 21.

For the entire program please visit the homepage:

Klockan 11-16

For free.

Konstnärer i Norrbotten

Visit website

Summerfestivities in Korpikylä village

22.7.2022 – 24.7.2022

Seskarö Trails Trailrun

18.6.2022 – 18.6.2022

Seskarö Havsbad & Camping, Tromsöviken, Seskarö, Sverige

Explore Seskaröss beautiful forests and discover the Haparanda Archipelago’s finest trails at Seskarö Trails Trailrun. The competition offers tracks for the whole family, regardless of experience or age. Here the joy of running is in focus!


More information at: Seskarö Trailrun – Våra lopp (

Chilfren fr SEK 49 | Adults fr. SEK 299

Seskarö Trails förening

Visit website

Classical music with Norrbottens Kammarorkester

6.5.2022 – 6.5.2022

Alatornion kirkko, Kirkonmäentie, Torneå, Finland

The place for the concert is Alatornio curch.
There is a specific entrance for a person with wheelchair.

Concert with classical music by Norrbotten Chamber orchestra together with guest conductor Gérard Korsten and soloist Laura Michelin on flute.
W.A. MozartAdagio och fuga c-moll K. 546
Tôru TakemitsuRequiem för stråkorkester
André JolivetFlöjtkonsert no.1
Johannes BrahmsSextett op 36 (arr. K Atterberg)

Konserten startar kl. 18.00 svensk tid
Konsertti alkaa klo 19.00 suomen aikaa
Concert starts at 18 swe time, 19 fin time.

The program sheet cost: ordinary 15€, pensioner 10€, students for free
For booking:

OBSERVE! You pay your program sheet at the entrance, only card payment available!

Haparanda stads kulturenhet


Visit website

LOSKA & Alli Haapamäki @ Hotelli Olof

13.4.2022 – 13.4.2022

Hotelli Olof, Hallituskatu, Tornio, Suomi

Hotelli Olof, Ravintola Olof.

10€/5€ (opisk. eläk.)

Riverside Jazz Ry


Visit website

Exhibition: Sune Uusitalos colorful clothes

16.3.2022 – 23.4.2022

Järnvägsgatan 21, Haparanda, Sverige


Invigning den 16 mars kl. 16.30 (öppet till och med kl. 18.30)

Onsdagar kl. 9-13

Torsdagar kl. 12-16

Lördagar kl. 11-15

(stängt under Påsklov, mellan kl. 14-18 april)


Kultur och fritid, Haparanda stad


Photography exhibition with Haparanda PhotoClub theme ”pattern”

9.2.2022 – 5.3.2022

Haparanda Library, Packhusgatan 4, Haparanda, Sverige

Haparanda Library, Packhusgatan 4.

Photography exhibition, there are both physical and digital artpieces.

Haparanda Biblioteks öppettider.


Haparanda Fotoklubb


Happy New Twice

31.12.2021 11:30 pm –
01.01.2022 1:00 am (FI)

Victoriatorget, Länsiranta, Tornio, Suomi

We celebrate Happy New Twice with fireworks!  

Unfortunately, we have to cancel the program of our joint New Year’s celebration Happy New Twice on Victoria Square due to new stricter Covid-19 restrictions. But we can enjoy the fireworks, twice, of course! Enjoy the evening, safely of course!

The Finnish Government made a series of decisions on Tuesday 21. December. Various events, including outdoors, are considered a medium risk of infection and are prohibited during the period 28/12-16/1.

Timetabell for the fireworks (Swedish time) :

Finnish New Year                                     at 11 .00 pm

Swedish New Year                                    at 12.00 pm


Swe / Fin time
22.30 | 23.30 Welcome to Victoria square
22.45 | 23.45 Music performances
23.00 | 00.00 Fireworks
23.10 | 00.10 Fire show (Taikatulet)
23.20 | 00.20 Music performances
23.35 | 00.35 Surprise performance
23.50 | 00.50 Fire show (Taikatulet)
00.00 | 01.00 Fireworks

Tornion kaupunki, Haparanda stad

Visit website

International grand market in HaparandaTornio

26.8.2021 – 29.8.2021

Hallituskatu 1, Tornio, Suomi

Hallituskatu and Länsiranta

In the International Grand Markets the central idea is to bring various products from across the globe, sold by their original manufacturers in the same marketplace. 2019`s tour had 129 entrepenours partaking from 32 countries. The tour was a grand success! Gathering an overall crowd of 1,5 million people, it was the biggest public event of the year in Finland.

In the coming tour there will be many wondrous market stalls from across the globe. We have numerous new and fantastic international market stalls that offer something to see and experience to any and all tastes. Furthermore there are Finnish specialities from different regions to be seen in their own imposing market stalls. Do keep posted by following us in Facebook. We look forward to seeing you in the markets!

Myyntiaika: to-la klo 10-20, su klo 10-18

Visit website

PIOT light festival

5.11.2021 – 6.11.2021

Tornio, Suomi

Rantakatu park, Möljä Puutarhakatu, pharmacy park

The multidisciplinary light festival brings Tornio to a new light. Come on a journey above the everyday life. It´s time to turn on the lights and celebrate!

The Tornio light season and the festival kick off happens in “Nordberg Möljä” in Tornio Puutarhakatu on Friday 5.11. at 6 pm. We will see a beautifully lighted Pharmacy park, a performance called the Spirit of the river by the dance school Stage, the premiere of the Borderless Tornio film by the City of Tornio and the thesis of Tornio Youth Work Light Workshop. The event is hosted by Hanna-Leena Ainonen, the cross-border developer.

Come and enjoy the atmosphere of the show! After the program, you can head towards the center of Tornio and Hallituskatu, where you will find the best of the Valopilkku program.

The main event of the PIOT festival on 6.11.  brings together light art, performers, food and drink for the entire Saturday night in the Rantakatu area. You get to walk a path that leads you on a journey above everyday life and experience the city and its people in a new light. The event area is open to the public from 4pm to 10pm.


Tornion kaupunki

+358 50 597 1174

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2.7.2021 – 3.7.2021

Festival area: Torikatu 4, 95430 Tornio, Finland

The festival offers high quality music for all jazz and blues fans at the Aine Art Museum’s park area, near the Tornio river, under the midnight sun. You can enjoy jazz and blues on multiple stages, and there’s a lot to see and experience – for the entire family! Tickets will be available later in spring. More information at and


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