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Event Calendar

Welcome to check what is happening in HaparandaTornio! There are plenty of different kind of events on both sides of the border all-year-round. Most interesting for our visitors are usually the ones that are organized together as a twin-city such as the Happy New Twice in the New Year´s eve, Twin-City Festival and Jazz & Blues festival in the summer time.

Event Listing

Winter Glow – Talvihehku

27.2.2025 – 9.3.2025

Rajakaari, Tornio, Suomi

A winter event series in the twin cities of Tornio and Haparanda. Plenty of experiences for everyone!

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An evening of original music

1.3.2025 19:00 – 21:00 (FI)

Hallituskatu 7, 95400 Tornio, Suomi

Welcome to listen to fresh music from local and visiting artists in the Grand Hotel Lounge. The host of the evening is Jukka Lamminen from Musaverstaa. Free admission!
Peltone, Dhiana, Itse, Hänssönit, Pekka Riihiaho, Harhaluulo and Tuike. Read more about the artists on the event’s Facebook page.
The event is organised by Tornio Cultural Office, Musaverstas and Grand Hotel Mustaparta.
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Hulabaloo Goes Folk!

4.3.2025 14:00 – 15:00 (FI)

Keskikatu 22, 95400 Tornio, Suomi

Hulabaloo is a children’s music orchestra that performs children’s songs for all tastes with a fun and funky twist! At this show Hulabaloo goes Folk! The band plays accordion, acoustic guitar, violin, ukulele bass and percussion. Note! Not for the serious!
Free admission, welcome!
Julia Rantala – vocals, violin, u-bass
Saara Rantala – vocals, accordion
Julius Rantala – guitar, percussion
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Midnight ProAm

11.7.2025 – 12.7.2025

Näräntie 26, Tornio, Suomi

Green Zone Golf will once again be hosting a very special golf competition with golf professionals this summer! As it is possible to play in the middle of the night near the Arctic Circle, players will start the competition in the evening. The event is free to the public.

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Exhibition: Tornion Kuvataideseura ry

4.2.2025 – 1.3.2025

Tornion Kuvataideseura ry, Keskikatu 26, Tornio, Suomi

Tornion Kuvataideseura ry’s exhibition shows the members’ artwork from the last 3 years.

Welcome to the exhibition!

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Consert with Norrbottens Kammarorkester & Ale Möller

28.2.2025 18:00 – 19:30 (SE)

Haparanda kyrka, Haparanda, Sverige

ord: 150kr/15€
65 + :100kr/10€, stud free
Book: +46 (0)922 26987
Swish 123 515 38 04
Ordinarie 150 kr, 65 +: 100 kr, stud. free SEK
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Toranda open

21.3.2025 – 22.3.2025

Näätsaarentie 241, 95450 Tornio, Suomi

Toranda open 2025 – The big snowcross event brings together the best snowcross riders from Finland, Sweden and Norway to the border of Tornio!

In March 2025, a brand new snowcross mega-event will be launched, with the aim of making it an annual event.

It will be a top-class race atmosphere, excitement and speed, an unforgettable experience for all ages.

Tickets are on sale at For more information, visit the event website

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Stand Up Jape & Jussi

11.4.2025 19:00 – 21:00 (FI)

Hallituskatu 7, Tornio, Suomi

Tickets on sale:

Samuel’s polonaise

13.3.2025 – 16.3.2025

Bio Haparanda, Åkergatan, Haparanda, Ruotsi

Samuels Polonesi Folk Music Festival takes place March 13-16, 2025 in HaparandaTornio with a Nordic theme
A unique folk music event between two places on the border between Finland and Sweden!

Samuels Poloneesi is a nationwide folk music event organized by the Finnish Folk Music Association and is one of the largest and oldest folk music events of the winter season. This year the event is organized together with the Lapland Folk Music Association and the cities of Haparanda and Tornio.

The theme of the event is Nordic music and for the first time it will be held on both sides of the border, in Sweden and Finland. The event will feature fantastic Nordic folk music in concerts at Folkets Hus in Haparanda and at Musiikkitalo and Joe’s House in Tornio.

The concerts are interesting, fresh and of high quality. They showcase the full spectrum of folk music from all over Finland, especially from the north. Young bands breaking the boundaries of traditional music as well as traditional bands and individual masters will be present. The event offers something for everyone!

For the full program and to see the event, visit the Finnish Folk Music Association website:

Welcome to the event!

10-20 €
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At the Crossroads – The History of Railway Traffic at the Finland-Sweden Border

28.1.2025 – 18.5.2025

Torikatu 4, Torneå, Finland

Haparanda and Tornio, Sweden and Finland, were connected by rail in 1919. Passenger trains between Tornio and Haparanda ceased to run in 1988.

The rail connection is now electrified, enabling the return of passenger train services. This reflects the line’s strategic importance as a critical supply corridor linking Finland and Sweden to Europe, ensuring resilience and security in the region’s transportation infrastructure.

Why was the link built, what did it mean for traffic and why was it taken out of service? Today, the existence of the rail link is again seen as an important security of supply gateway to Europe, linking Finland and Sweden.

Own production.

5 €
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Torne valley museum – Kohtaamisia rajalla, Meetings on the Border

16.3.2023 – 31.12.2030

The Museum of Torne Valley showcases Torne Valley culture and history on both sides of the Finnish-Swedish border. We specialize in the local way of life and border region phenomena. Our permanent exhibition highlights the traditional means of living, the history of Tornio and Haparanda, border trade, smuggling and marriages across the border.

Visitors can also listen to local languages and dialects. The past comes alive through original artifacts and abundant picture and film material on display.

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